"I possess nothing but my body; a man on his own, with nothing but his body, can't stop memories; they pass through him. I shouldn't complain: all I have ever wanted was to be free" -Antoine Roquentin, in Sartre's Nausea.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dunedin winter 2.

It's those deadlines dampening my imagination..
It reeks of mould!
I live in it but can scarcely afford to.
I'm forced to eat a thing green too but less tasty.

It's that lack of wretched money,
which we no longer see.
How can we depend on this immaterial God called one?
Not three or you and me...
It's 1001011010111.

For me it's 000010, account error and declined.

My imagination will dress up in black soon to dive.
Can i riot too?
Will I be bad?

Though justice and morality I hold dear,
They're too dear for me,
but my clothes mismatch.

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