"I possess nothing but my body; a man on his own, with nothing but his body, can't stop memories; they pass through him. I shouldn't complain: all I have ever wanted was to be free" -Antoine Roquentin, in Sartre's Nausea.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I've been writing for quite a long time, a bit of everything too. There is poetry, descriptive narrative, plays, short stories and all in the three languages I know well: Catalan, English and Spanish.I'm quite vain, or my genie loves me greatly, so much of the stuff is how I feel, but isn't all writing just a subjective expression put into words? I don't believe in strict structures so don't be too worried if my poems turn into prose and viceversa, shit happens!

This wee blog will contain some of my writings in several languages and there will be tags for you to navigate through it all if you wish.

Oh, and feel free to comment!

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